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DeviceAtlas contains 207 device properties. Filter properties by typing in the box.

Virtual Properties

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesDevice IDidintegerUnique device identifier (if the device has been successfully detected).
YesYesYesIs BrowserisBrowserbooleanIdentifies desktop browsers.
YesYesYesIs RobotisRobotbooleanIdentifies non-human traffic (robots, crawlers, checkers, download agents, spam harvesters and feed readers).
YesYesYesIs CheckerisCheckerbooleanIdentifies link/site checkers.
YesYesYesIs DownloaderisDownloaderbooleanIdentifies download agents/clients.
YesYesYesIs FilterisFilterbooleanIdentifies proxy/content filters.
YesYesYesIs SpamisSpambooleanIdentifies known email address or spam harvesters.
YesYesYesIs Feed ReaderisFeedReaderbooleanIdentifies feed reader clients.
YesYesYesIs Masquerading As DesktopisMasqueradingAsDesktopbooleanThe device is pretending to be a desktop browser.
YesYesYesRequesting Mobile UXrequestingMobileUxbooleanTrue if the Client identifies itself as mobile (from Client Hints). Note: this may differ from the 'Mobile Device' flag based on the device hardware. Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesBot NamebotNamestringThe name of the robot and/or crawler.
YesYesYesIs AppisAppbooleanIdentifies non-browser apps and webviews.
YesApp NameappNamestringName of non-browser application.
YesYesIs in-app WebViewisInAppWebViewbooleanIdentifies WebViews in non-browser apps. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesIs ParentisParentbooleanThe device represents a group of devices that share one or more identifiers and therefore cannot be individually identified. The populated device properties are common to all devices in the group.
YesDevice ID of ParentparentIdintegerThe DeviceAtlas Device ID of its parent device (correlates to “Is Parent” property).
YesContextual UsagecontextualUsagestringIdentifies how the device is being used, where different to that implied by the Primary Hardware Type. Please see the complete list of predefined property values.
YesYesYesPartial IdentificationpartialIdentificationbooleanIf true, DeviceAtlas can deliver better results if more input is captured via either UA-CH headers or the DeviceAtlas Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesPrimary Software TypeprimarySoftwareTypestringThe type of the software identified from the request headers, one of Browser, App, Previewer, Software Library, CLI Utility, Robot. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
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Carrier Identification (if selected)

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesNetwork OperatornetworkOperatorstringThe mobile network operator that provides service to the device.
YesMCCmccstringThe Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the brand.
YesNetwork BrandnetworkBrandstringThe brand name of the mobile network operator.
YesMNCmncset(string)The Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the brand.
YesCountry CodecountryCodestringThe country code of the network operator.
YesNetwork TypenetworkTypestringThe type of the mobile network operator (Available values are MNO/MVNO/Proxy).
YesMCC-MNCmccmncstringMCC and MNC combination for operator disambiguation.
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Device Name

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesDevice VendorvendorstringThe company/organisation that provides a device, browser or other component to the market. It can be a manufacturer, mobile operator or other organisation exclusively offering a product.
YesYesYesDevice ModelmodelstringThe model name of a device, browser or some other component (e.g. Firefox - Windows).
YesYesYesMarketing NamemarketingNamestringThe marketing name for a device.
YesStandardised Full NamestandardisedFullNamestringMarket recognised name (composite of Vendor + Marketing Name, or Vendor + Model if no Marketing Name exists).
YesYesYesManufacturermanufacturerstringPrimary organisation creating (not necessarily assembling) the device.
YesYesYesYear ReleasedyearReleasedintegerThis is the year that the device was released (or announced)
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[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesMobile DevicemobileDevicebooleanTrue if the device is meant for use on the move.
YesYesYesPrimary Hardware TypeprimaryHardwareTypestringPrimary hardware type, e.g. Tablet, Mobile Phone, etc. Please see the complete list of predefined property values.
YesYesYesTouch ScreentouchScreenbooleanUser may touch the screen to interact with the device.
YesYesYesScreen WidthdisplayWidthintegerThe total number of addressable pixels in the horizontal direction of a rectangular display when held in its default orientation. The Property does not apply to displays that are not rectangular or square.
YesYesYesScreen HeightdisplayHeightintegerThe total number of addressable pixels in the vertical direction of a rectangular display when held in its default orientation. The Property does not apply to displays that are not rectangular or square.
YesAutomatic Screen OrientationautomaticScreenOrientationbooleanAutomatic screen orientation change is supported by the device hardware.
YesYesYesDiagonal Screen SizediagonalScreenSizestringThe diagonal dimension of the screen in inches.
YesDisplay Form FactordisplayFormFactorstringDescribes whether a device's display can be folded.
YesYesYesDisplay PPIdisplayPpiintegerThe pixel density of the Device's screen. Pixels Per Inch.
YesYesYesDevice Pixel RatiodevicePixelRatiostringRatio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the browser.
YesYesYesScreen Color DepthdisplayColorDepthintegerThe color depth of a display.
YesYesYesNFCnfcbooleanThe device has NFC (Near Field Communication) hardware.
YesYesYesCameracamerastringMegapixels of the camera if the device has one.
YesYesYesIs Mobile PhoneisMobilePhonebooleanThe device is a mobile phone.
YesYesYesIs TabletisTabletbooleanThe device is a tablet device.
YesYesYesIs EReaderisEReaderbooleanThe device is a reading device.
YesYesYesIs Games ConsoleisGamesConsolebooleanThe device is a games console.
YesYesYesIs TVisTVbooleanThe device is a television.
YesYesYesIs Set Top BoxisSetTopBoxbooleanThe device is a set-top box.
YesYesYesIs Media PlayerisMediaPlayerbooleanThe device is a media player.
YesIoT EndpointiotEndpointbooleanSensor and/or actuator, with cellular connectivity.
YesIoT EnableriotEnablerbooleanProvides cellular connectivity to otherwise unconnected devices.
YesIoT ControlleriotControllerbooleanData receiver and aggregator, with the primary function being command/control of remote and/or local IoT devices.
YesGPS Hardware SupportgpsHardwareSupportbooleanThe device includes an OS-accessible satellite positioning system receiver.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Chipset VendorchipsetVendorstringThe company/organisation that provides a chipset to the market.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Chipset NamechipsetNamestringThe marketing name for a chipset.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Chipset ModelchipsetModelstringThe model name of a chipset.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
CPU NamecpuNamestringThe marketing name for a CPU. If a device is equipped with more than one CPU, values are separated by '&'.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
CPU CorescpuCoresstringThe Number of cores in a CPU. If a device is equipped with more than one CPU, values are separated by '+'.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
CPU Maximum FrequencycpuMaxFrequencystringThe frequency of a single core. If a device is equipped with more than one CPU, values are separated by '&'.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
GPU NamegpuNamestringThe marketing name for a GPU.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
SIM SlotssimSlotsintegerNumber of SIM card slots the device is equipped with.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
eSIM CounteSimCountintegerNumber of reprogrammable SIMs the device supports.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
SIM SizesimSizestringSize of a SIM card supported by a device.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Internal Storage CapacityinternalStorageCapacitystringThe capacity of the device storage. The value is expressed in GB and the metric system is used for unit conversion (e.g. 1 GB = 1000 MB).
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Expandable StorageexpandableStoragebooleanThe device has a slot for an insertable memory card.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
Total RAMtotalRamstringThe amount of memory allocated to RAM as reported by manufacturer. The value is expressed in MiB, with binary conversion (1 GiB = 1024 MiB).
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
32 Bit Architecture32BitArchitecturebooleanBoth hardware and operating system support 32 bit architecture. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
64 Bit Architecture64BitArchitecturebooleanBoth hardware and operating system support 64 bit architecture. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesHardware ClassificationhardwareClassificationstringThe classification of the device into one of a set of five tiers, ranging from Entry Level to Premium, based on the Hardware Score.
YesHardware ScorehardwareScoreintegerA numerical representation of the device hardware capabilities which decays over time. It is normalised on a scale of 0-10000, and is used by the Hardware Classification.
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[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesOS VendorosVendorstringThe supplier of the operating system. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesOS NameosNamestringThe name of the Operating System installed on the device. This can be used as a substitute for the boolean OS properties. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesOS FamilyosFamilystringThe general group name of the operating system (eg. Windows). Please see the complete list of predefined property values.
YesYesYesOS VersionosVersionstringThe Operating System initial version installed on the device. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesOS Version NameosVersionNamestringThe marketing name of the Operating System version e.g. KitKat, Snow Leopard. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesOS DistributionosDistributionstringThe name of the OS distribution, either based on or forked from an existing operating system.
YesYesYesOS AndroidosAndroidbooleanThe device is distributed with Android OS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS BadaosBadabooleanThe device is distributed with Bada OS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS iOSosiOsbooleanThe device is distributed with iOS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS RimosRimbooleanThe device is distributed with RIM OS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS SymbianosSymbianbooleanThe device is distributed with Symbian OS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS Windows MobileosWindowsMobilebooleanThe device is distributed with Windows Mobile pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS Windows PhoneosWindowsPhonebooleanThe device is distributed with Windows Phone pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS Windows RTosWindowsRtbooleanThe device is distributed with Windows RT OS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS Web OSosWebOsbooleanThe device is distributed with WebOS pre-installed.
YesYesYesOS ProprietaryosProprietarystringThe device is distributed with a proprietary OS pre-installed.
YesYesLanguagelanguagestringThe language requested by the device in an ISO-639 two-letter code – i.e. “en”. Requires 2.x API with full set of headers. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesLanguage LocalelanguageLocalestringThe language locale requested by the device in an ISO-639 two-letter code followed by an ISO-3166 country code – i.e. “en-GB”. Requires 2.x API with full set of headers. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
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Web Browser

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesBrowser VendorbrowserVendorstringThe supplier of the web browser. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesBrowser NamebrowserNamestringThe name or type of the browser on the device. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesBrowser VersionbrowserVersionstringThe browser version on the device. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesBrowser Version Release DatebrowserVersionReleaseDatestringDate of release of the browser version. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesBrowser Rendering EnginebrowserRenderingEnginestringThe name or type of the browser rendering engine used by the browser. Please see the complete list of predefined property values. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesvCard DownloadvCardDownloadbooleanThe ability of the web browser to download and open the device's address book when a vCard URI is used.
YesYesYesImage Gif87image.Gif87booleanThe ability to display a GIF87 image embedded in a mobile web page, using a tag such as img or object.
YesYesYesImage GIF89Aimage.Gif89abooleanThe ability to display a GIF89a image embedded in a mobile web page, using a tag such as img or object.
YesYesYesImage JPGimage.JpgbooleanThe ability to display a JPG image embedded in a mobile web page, using a tag such as img or object.
YesYesYesImage PNGimage.PngbooleanThe ability to display a PNG image embedded in a mobile web page, using a tag such as img or object.
YesImage WebPimageWebpbooleanThe browser can display a WebP image. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesUsable Display WidthusableDisplayWidthintegerThe horizontal size of the default browser's viewport, expressed in device independent pixels (DIPs), when held in its default orientation and the browser zoom is set to 100%. Also known as CSS resolution.
YesYesYesUsable Display HeightusableDisplayHeightintegerThe vertical size of the default browser's viewport, expressed in device independent pixels (DIPs), when held in its default orientation and the browser zoom is set to 100%. Also known as CSS resolution.
YesYesYesURI Scheme TeluriSchemeTelbooleanThe ability of the web browser to start a telephone call when a URI is defined with the protocol 'tel' followed by a telephone number (e.g. tel:+35312345678).
YesYesYesURI Scheme SMSuriSchemeSmsbooleanThe ability of the web browser to start a new SMS message when a URI is defined with the protocol sms followed by a telephone number (e.g. sms:+35312345678).
YesYesYesURI Scheme SMS TouriSchemeSmsTobooleanThe ability of the web browser to start a new SMS message when a URI is defined with the protocol smsto followed by a telephone number (e.g. smsto:+35312345678).
YesYesYesCookiecookieSupportbooleanThe ability of a client to store cookies and send them when appropriate.
YesYesYesHTTPShttpsbooleanThe web browser supports the SSL protocol. Support of different certificate authorities is independent from the ability of supporting SSL.
YesYesYesMemory Limit MarkupmemoryLimitMarkupintegerDescribes the maximum size in bytes for markup in a web page. Media is treated separately. Some browsers might have a variable memory limit based on the memory used by other applications, in that case 0 will be used.
YesYesYesMemory Limit Embedded MediamemoryLimitEmbeddedMediaintegerDescribes the maximum size in bytes for media files embedded in a web page. Media is treated separately. Some browsers might have a variable memory limit based on the memory used by other applications, in that case 0 will be used.
YesYesYesMemory Limit DownloadmemoryLimitDownloadintegerDescribes the maximum size in bytes for downloaded from a web page and stored locally (e.g. a ringtone or an image). Media is treated separately. Some browsers might have a variable memory limit based on the memory used by other applications, in that case 0 will be used.
YesWAP Push Service IndicationwapPushbooleanThe device is capable of receiving WAP Push notifications, opening a browser upon user instigation, and following the embedded link.
YesYesYesSave-DatasaveDatabooleanIdentifies if the client prefers reduced data usage (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesDownlinkdownlinkstringEstimate of downlink bandwidth in Mbps (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesRound Trip TimeroundTripTimeintegerEstimate of effective round trip time in milliseconds, rounded to nearest 25ms (rtt from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesEffective Connection TypeeffectiveConnectionTypestringEquivalent connection in the form of slow-2G, 2G, 3G, 4G based on Round Trip Time and downlink performance (ect from Client-Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesYesYesPlatform ArchitectureplatformArchitecturestringThe device CPU architecture (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
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[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesJS Modify Domjs.modifyDombooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying DOM elements.
YesYesYesJS Support Event Listenerjs.supportEventListenerbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Event Listeners.
YesYesYesJS Jsonjs.jsonbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports JSON objects.
YesYesYesJS Modify CSSjs.modifyCssbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying CSS elements.
YesYesYesJS XHRjs.xhrbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports XMLHttpRequest.
YesYesYesJS Support Basic Java Scriptjs.supportBasicJavaScriptbooleanThe browser has some level of JavaScript support, typically Alert, Confirm, setInterval, setTimeout.
YesYesYesJS Support Eventsjs.supportEventsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Events.
YesYesYesJS Support Console Logjs.supportConsoleLogbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports console.log().
YesYesYesSupports Client SidesupportsClientSidebooleanIndicates whether the device supports the DeviceAtlas ClientSide component.
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Premium Partner Data

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
IDC Average Selling Priceidc.averageSellingPricestringIDC Average Selling Price (discounted of VAT), averaged against shipments on worldwide basis, in USD. Where multiple values exist, these are for different storage capacities.
CPU Data Properties Extra OptionsContact for details on access to this set of properties
IDC ASP Applicable Dateidc.aspApplicableDatestringMost recent quarter for which the device ASP was measured. (ASP is only updated by IDC for devices in production).
No matches found

Network Protocols

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesCSDcsdbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to CSD (Circuit Switched Data) networks.
YesYesYesHSCSDhscsdbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to HS CSD (High Speed Circuit Switched Data) networks.
YesYesYesGPRSgprsbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) networks.
YesYesYesEDGEedgebooleanThe device is capable of connecting to EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) networks.
YesYesYesHSDPAhsdpabooleanThe device is capable of connecting to HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) networks.
YesYesYesUMTSumtsbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) networks.
YesYesYesHSPA+hspaEvolvedbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to HSPA+ (Evolved High-Speed Packet Access) networks.
YesYesYesLTEltebooleanThe device is capable of connecting to LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks.
YesYesYesLTE AdvancedlteAdvancedbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to LTE Advanced (Long Term Evolution Advanced) networks.
YesLTE CategorylteCategoryintegerThe UE Category of the device, defining the combined uplink and downlink capability as specified in 3GPP TS36.306.
YesChipset Maximum Uplink SpeedchipsetMaximumUplinkSpeedintegerThe maximum uplink speed supported by the device chipset, in Mbps (rounded).
YesChipset Maximum Downlink SpeedchipsetMaximumDownlinkSpeedintegerThe maximum downlink speed supported by the device chipset, in Mbps (rounded).
YesVoLTEvoltebooleanThe device is capable of making VoLTE calls. When True, this implies LTE, HD Voice, and AMR-WB are True.
YesYesWi-FiwifibooleanThe device is capable of connecting to WiFi networks.
YesVoWiFivowifibooleanThe device is capable of seamless call handover between Wi-Fi and VoLTE connections.
YesRCSrcsbooleanThe device natively supports Rich Communication Services as specified in GSMA RCS6.0 UNI.
YesVoice over CellularvoiceOverCellularbooleanThe device is able to perform voice calls using cellular connectivity.
Yes2G2gbooleanThe device supports the second generation of cellular mobile phone systems, as described in the Spectrum Policy Dictionary by GSMA. This includes enhancements within the 2G range, e.g. 2.5G.
Yes3G3gbooleanThe device supports the third generation of cellular mobile phone systems, as described in the Spectrum Policy Dictionary by GSMA. This includes enhancements within the 3G range, e.g. 3.5G.
Yes4G4gbooleanThe device supports the fourth generation of cellular mobile phone systems, as described in the Spectrum Policy Dictionary by GSMA.
Yes5G5gbooleanThe device supports the fifth generation of cellular mobile phone systems, as described in the Spectrum Policy Dictionary by GSMA.
Yes5G Standalone5gStandalonebooleanIdentifies if the chipset of a 5G device is standalone 5G capable.
Yes5G Non Standalone5gNonStandalonebooleanIdentifies if the chipset of a device is non-standalone 5G capable.
YesVoNRvonrbooleanThe device chipset supports voice calls over 5G.
YesHighest Cellular GenerationhighestCellularGenerationstringIdentifies the highest generation of cellular data connectivity supported by the device. Please see the complete list of predefined property values.
YesNB-IoTnbiotbooleanThe device is capable of connecting to the specific type of narrow-band Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) using radio technology standard specified in 3GPP Release 13.
YesLTE-MltembooleanThe device is capable of machine-to-machine communication through connecting to the specific type of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) using radio technology standard specified in 3GPP Release 13.
No matches found


[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesYesJS Application Cachejs.applicationCachebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Application Cache.
YesYesYesJS Local Storagejs.localStoragebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Local Storage.
YesYesYesJS Web Socketsjs.webSocketsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Sockets API.
YesYesYesJS Device Orientationjs.deviceOrientationbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Orientation.
YesYesYesHTML Canvashtml.canvasbooleanThe browser supports the canvas element.
YesYesYesJS Query Selectorjs.querySelectorbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Query Selector.
YesYesYesHTML Videohtml.videobooleanThe browser supports the video HTML tag.
YesYesYesCSS Transformscss.transformsbooleanThe browser supports CSS transforms.
YesYesYesJS Geo Locationjs.geoLocationbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Geo Location.
YesYesYesJS Session Storagejs.sessionStoragebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Session Storage.
YesYesYesJS Web SQL Databasejs.webSqlDatabasebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web SQL Database API.
YesYesYesJS Device Motionjs.deviceMotionbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Motion event.
YesYesYesHTML Inline SVGhtml.inlinesvgbooleanThe browser supports inline SVG.
YesYesYesCSS Animationscss.animationsbooleanThe browser supports CSS animations.
YesYesYesCSS Transitionscss.transitionsbooleanThe browser supports CSS transitions.
YesYesYesJS Indexeddbjs.indexedDBbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports indexedDB.
YesYesYesJS Web GLjs.webGlbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Web GL.
YesYesYesJS Web Workersjs.webWorkersbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Workers API.
YesYesYesHTML Audiohtml.audiobooleanThe browser supports the audio HTML tag.
YesYesYesJS Touch Eventsjs.touchEventsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Touch events.
YesYesYesHTML SVGhtml.svgbooleanThe browser supports SVG.
YesYesYesCSS Columnscss.columnsbooleanThe browser supports CSS columns.
No matches found


[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesStream 3gp H264 .level11stream.3gp.h264.level11booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.1.
YesYesStream 3gp AAC LCstream.3gp.aac.lcbooleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AAC (M4V/MP4) Low Complexity codec.
YesYesStream 3gp AMR WBstream.3gp.amr.wbbooleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AMR audio codec, in Wide Band.
YesYesStream MP4 .aac LCstream.mp4.aac.lcbooleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the AAC (M4V/MP4) Low Complexity codec.
YesYesStream 3gp H264 .level10stream.3gp.h264.level10booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.0.
YesYesStream 3gp H264 .level12stream.3gp.h264.level12booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.2.
YesYesStream 3gp H263stream.3gp.h263booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H263 codec.
YesYesStream MP4 .H264 .level11stream.mp4.h264.level11booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the H264 codec and in Level 1.1.
YesYesStream HTTP Live Streamingstream.httpLiveStreamingbooleanSupport for the HTTP live Streaming protocol.
YesYesStream 3gp H264 .level10bstream.3gp.h264.level10bbooleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.0b.
YesYesStream 3gp H264 .level13stream.3gp.h264.level13booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.3.
YesYesStream 3gp AMR NBstream.3gp.amr.nbbooleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AMR audio codec, in Narrow Band.
YesYesStream MP4 .H264 .level13stream.mp4.h264.level13booleanSupport for the streaming of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the H264 codec and in Level 1.3.
No matches found

Video Player

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesWMVwmvbooleanThe ability to play WMV envelope for video files. The device is able to parse the WMV envelope for video files.
YesYes3GP H264 .level103gp.h264.level10booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.0.
YesYes3GP H264 .level10b3gp.h264.level10bbooleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.0b.
YesYes3GP H264 .level113gp.h264.level11booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.1.
YesYes3GP H264 .level123gp.h264.level12booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.2.
YesYes3GP H264 .level133gp.h264.level13booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H264 (MPEG-2 PART 10) codec and in Level 1.3.
YesYes3GP AAC LC3gp.aac.lcbooleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AAC (M4V/MP4) Low Complexity codec.
YesYes3GP H2633gp.h263booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the H263 codec.
YesYes3GP AMR NB3gp.amr.nbbooleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AMR audio codec, in Narrow Band.
YesYes3GP AMR WB3gp.amr.wbbooleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the 3GP envelope, with the AMR audio codec, in Wide Band.
YesYesMP4 .H264 .level11mp4.h264.level11booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the H264 codec and in Level 1.1.
YesYesMP4 .H264 .level13mp4.h264.level13booleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the H264 codec and in Level 1.3.
YesYesMP4 .aac LCmp4.aac.lcbooleanSupport for the playback of media encoded in the MP4 envelope, with the AAC (M4V/MP4) Low Complexity codec.
YesH.264 Support In OSh.264SupportInOsbooleanThe operating system supports playback of H.264-encoded videos.
YesH.265 Support In OSh.265SupportInOsbooleanThe operating system supports playback of H.265-encoded videos.
YesVP9 Support In OSvp9SupportInOsbooleanThe operating system supports playback of VP9-encoded videos.
YesAV1 Hardware Supportav1HardwareSupportbooleanThe device chipset provides hardware decoding of AV1 codec.
YesHbbTV SupporthbbtvSupportbooleanIdentifies whether HbbTV specification is supported. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
YesHbbTV VersionhbbtvVersionstringFor cases where HbbTV is supported, this property returns the HbbTV version. This property is dynamically populated at run time.
No matches found

Audio Player

[CS] Cloud Standard   [CP] Cloud Premium   [EO] Enterprise/OEM

[CS][CP][EO]NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
YesYesAMRamrbooleanThe ability to play AMR (Adaptive Multi-Rate) files as defined by 3GPP. The device is able to play the AMR file as expected.
YesYesMP3mp3booleanThe ability to play MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) files. The device is able to play the MP3 file as expected.
YesYesAACaacbooleanThe ability to play AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) as defined as part of the MPEG-4 specifications. The device is able to play the AAC file as expected.
YesYesQCELPqcelpbooleanThe ability to play QCELP (Qualcomm Code Excited Linear Prediction) audio files. The device is able to play the QCELP file as expected.
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