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DeviceAtlas for IoT

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Device Map and IoT

Measure IoT activity on your network

With the rapid growth in the quantity and diversity of cellular IoT devices, businesses need a comprehensive solution to understand their nature and capabilities. Device Map, a DeviceAtlas solution in partnership with the GSMA, provides businesses with the rich device insights they need.

With identification of nearly 50 classes of connected devices, across consumer and M2M devices, Device Map provides the tools to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape.

The Challenges

The challenge for operators is that many of the new classes of terminal have very different behaviours on the network compared with the traditional voice and data capable cell phone.

Questions that arise:

The Device Map Solution

Device Map categorises IoT devices as follows:

IoT endpoint

Sensor and/or actuator, with cellular connectivity

For example: camera, data collection terminal, geolocation tracker

IoT enabler

Provides cellular connectivity to otherwise unconnected devices

For example: embedded network module, modem

IoT Controller

Data receiver and aggregator command/control of remote and/or local IoT devices

For example: Digital Home Assistants, meter hubs, security hubs

Features and Benefits

Device Map provides granular identification of IoT devices, indexed on TAC, enabling:

Capacity Allocation

Device Map enables identification of M2M as opposed to consumer devices, allowing accurate capacity allocation in the network.

Traffic Segmentation

Permits distinguishing between traffic which is 100% IoT (IoT Endpoints) and traffic which may represent a mix of IoT and non-IoT traffic (IoT Enablers).

Fraud control

Facilitates the measurement of trends of IoT traffic, including levels of abuse of rate plans to ensure that the device usage/capability is aligned with the terms of the subscription.

Deep Insights

Provides deep insight into the capabilities of an IoT device, for example identifying whether LTE-M and/or NB-IoT are supported, as an input to network planning.

Ready for deep insights on visiting IoT devices?

Contact us now to set up a quick discovery call. We'll discuss:

  1. Your specific needs and business use case
  2. A technical overview of our services and the data properties we provide
  3. How to set up an enterprise evaluation for your team & the next steps to follow

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