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Devices from the frontier: the smart projector

Today's device is a smart projector. This is a new category of devices that encapsulates projector functionality with a full version of Android TV.

Ronan Cremin - 08 Nov 2019
1 min read
At DeviceAtlas part of our role is to map out the device landscape so that our customers don't have to.
In performing this role we come across our fair share of curious devices. We post some of the more interesting of these on our blog. Today's device is a smart projector.
a smart projector
You may ask what is a projector doing in DeviceAtlas? Isn't this just a kind of display device? No! This is a new category of devices that encapsulates projector functionality with a full version of Android TV. As such, this is a fully autonomous device that runs apps and displays web pages, and not merely a display for some other device.
Whether you like it or not, your brand is going to be experienced on devices like this at some point so it's important to think about what that means.