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5 facts about the mobile market in France

Facts about the mobile device landscape in France, based on our data from a network of partner sites for Q2 2018.

James Kielty - 25 Jun 2018
4 min read

The most used smartphones in France

The iPhone 6 has actually gained 0.85% traffic share over the last few months, but it's the iPhone 7 that is now the most popular smartphone in France. The 6 remains in third spot.

The iPhone SE gained in usage over the opening months of 2018, increasing its share by 1.52% in Q2. The Samsung Galaxy A5 has been knocked out of the top ten altogether, with the S7 and S8 both having a decent quarter.

The iPhone 8 and X also make an appearance, with 2.58% and 2.56% respectively.

You can browse the full list here.

Country Position Phone model Traffic Share
France 1 iPhone 7 9.24%
France 2 iPhone 6S 7.70%
France 3 iPhone 6 7.38%
France 4 iPhone SE 5.11%
France 5 Samsung Galaxy S7 3.53%
France 6 Samsung Galaxy S8 3.52%
France 7 iPhone 5S 3.22%
France 8 iPhone 7 Plus 3.01%
France 9 Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 2.95%
France 10 iPhone 8 2.58%
France 10 iPhone X 2.56%

Apple is the most popular vendor in France

Like so many countries, the top two device manufacturers are Apple and Samsung, accounting for almost 3/4 of all devices in our Q2 data.

Huawei is the third most popular smartphone vendor in France with 5.1% of traffic share, followed by Sony, Wiko, Asus, Motorola, Xiaomi, LG and HTC.

Device Vendors47.1%34.1%5.1%7.4%0051015202530354045500AppleSamsungHuaweiSonyWikoAsusMotorolaXiaomiLGHTCOthers

The most popular mobile operating system in France is iOS

No surprises in France as iOS and Android share a huge majority of the OS landscape.

Further down the list are Symbian and RIM, with Windows clinging on to third place.

Most Popular OS52.2%47.1%0-505101520253035404550550AndroidiOSWindowsRIMOthers
OS Versions25.4%23.8%13.3%6.7%5.8%11.4%0024681012141618202224260Android 7iOS 11.2Android 6Android 5.1iOS 10.3Android 7.1iOS 11iOS 11.1Android 5Android 4.4Others

The most common screen size is 750x1334

As the iPhone 6 and 7 share the same screen resolution, it's the most common in France, with 1080x1920 - which includes a range of HTC, Huawei, Samsung and Xiaomi devices - hot on its heels in second place.

With 2% of traffic share, 540x960 remains in steady use. Similarly, 480x800 (various older Samsung Galaxy devices) remains on a similar share in Q2 as it did 2017, suggesting users are happy and see no need or benefit to upgrading to a larger screen. If, as we suggested, we've reached "peak smartphone", these older, less powerful devices could maintain their share a lot longer than previous trends might suggest.

Most Used Screen Sizes27.6%21.0%13.9%11.3%10.1%6.6%00510152025300750x13341080x1920720x12801440x2560640x11361440x29601125x2436540x960480x800Others

The most popular mobile browser is Chrome

As the default browser on iOS devices, Safari may well be disappointed to be beaten to top spot by Google rival Chrome Mobile.

Between them, Chrome, Safari and Samsung Browser account for over 90% of France's mobile browser traffic, with Firefox the next most popular on 1.9%.

Mobile Browsers40.2%39.0%14.2%005101520253035400Chrome MobileSafariSamsung BrowserFirefoxOpera MobileAndroid BrowserIE MobileUC BrowserOthers

Safari 11 is the latest update to Apple's browser, but uptake on Chrome Mobile updates are less visible in our Q1 data, with Chrome 65 - released in March 2018 - being the most recent we see in France, with just over 4% share.

You can view these details in our Data Explorer.

Browser Versions24.1%14.0%10.9%7.8%7.2%24.1%0024681012141618202224260Safari 11Chrome 63Chrome 64Samsung Browser 6.2Safari 10Chrome 65Samsung Browser 6.4Chrome 61Chrome 59Chrome 62Others

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