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Smart AdServer on where mobile, device detection and ad serving intersect

Smart AdServer's Sandrine Cardi talks about where mobile, device detection and ad serving intersect.

admin - 18 Nov 2011
1 min read

Smart AdServer's Sandrine Cardi talks about where mobile, device detection and ad serving intersect

Smart AdServer is a premium ad-serving technology that allows publishers and agencies to display ads on Websites and apps on PCs, mobile phones and tablets. Tens of billions of ad impressions are served through Smart AdServer per month. Smart AdServer uses DeviceAtlas to detect what device each and every customer is using, to ensure a relevant and right-sized ad is served to each mobile device.



In this in-depth interview Sandrine Cardi, mobile business development manager, Smart AdServer, answers the following questions:

0.16 What is Smart AdServer?
0.49 How much of your advertising business is mobile?
1.02 What mobile publishers and advertisers do you work with?
1.41 What is the key to making mobile advertising more effective and relevant to the mobile visitor?
2.30 Why is it essential to know what device the visitor is using?
3.15 How does DeviceAtlas help you to achieve this?
3.52 What difference does device detection make to mobile ad serving?
4.40 How does mobile enable more targeted advertising than PC?

N.B. For more information on how Smart AdServer uses DeviceAtlas to detect mobile devices see this case study.

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