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How to get detailed device analytics for web and apps environments

For organizations where native apps and mobile web are both important channels, the onus is on them to take what they know about devices accessing their web properties and replicate that in the native app environment. Our latest report on ‘Device Intelligence Across Environments’ explores the best way to get a consistent view of device usage across the web and app environments and how to use this data to amplify your analytics and advertising efforts.

Stephen Clarke - 09 Jan 2018
1 min read

Detailed device analytics for web and apps environments

According to Fortune's 500 survey, 71% of CEOs state that the 'rapid pace of technological change' is the single biggest challenge facing them today, with “mobile computing” listed as one of the technologies most important to their futures. Indeed, one of the main drivers of this rapid technological change has been the increasing adoption of mobile which has transformed user behaviors when it comes to consuming information online, downloading, clicking, buying etc.

The level of device fragmentation - the multiple screen sizes, OSes, browsers, video players, chipsets, RAM on devices - brings an added layer of complexity for businesses wanting to develop effective acquisition and retention strategies for their mobile users.

Device usage across the web and app environments

For organizations where native apps and mobile web are both important channels, the onus is on them to take what they know about devices accessing their web properties and replicate that in the native app environment. Our latest report on Device Intelligence Across Environments explores the best way to get a consistent view of device usage across the web and app environments and how to use this data to amplify your analytics and advertising efforts.

Users want to complete mobile tasks efficiently and for this to happen, optimal mobile experiences and real-time personalized content need to be at the core of this. If not, companies are at risk of losing users, conversions and ROI.

Our report will give you a better understanding of:

  • The state of the mobile app landscape today
  • How to get deep device data in native apps
  • Use cases of device detection in native apps
  • Device intelligence across web and app environments

Download the full report now by clicking on the button below.

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