The release of iOS 12.2 caused some issues for iPhone detection, but we've released our solution. Ac...
Huawei are in the news again. This time, it's the UK who've announced they'll let the Chinese manufa...
Netflix have announced that they're killing Airplay support, blaming technical limitations introduce...
With the latest iPhones supporting dual SIM cards, we looked at current levels of dual SIM usage thr...
Video intelligence company NPAW announces new partnership with DeviceAtlas. Find out why they chose ...
UC Browser has exposed over 500 million of its users to MiTM attacks. Just how popular is UC and it...
We're pleased to announce three additional properties now available to our Enterprise Licence holder...
Despite trade restrictions and rumours of Chinese government demands, real-world usage of Huawei dev...
The US is home to some pioneers of the mobile web, such as Apple, inventors of the iPhone. We looked...
Here's our list of impressive devices and gadgets we saw in MWC19 Barcelona, as well as some of the ...
In the latest DeviceAtlas Mobile Web Report, we explore shifts in the mobile OS landscape and visual...
Counterfeit and non-standard devices pose a real threat for business, consumers and regulators. Find...
eMarketer predict that in 2019, adults in the UK will spend over two hours each day on their smartph...
With over 51 million inhabitants and smartphone penetration of 95%, South Korea is a tech-savvy nati...
Huawei had a tough 2018, in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. However, some slick marketing c...
Here are some statistics on the mobile landscape in Italy, including the most popular smartphones, A...
iPhones dominate the scene in The Netherlands, with the world's most popular smartphone - the iPhone...
We tracked usage of the most popular devices from Apple and Samsung across the four quarters of 2018...
With the release of the latest iPhones, we see a shift from relatively standardised device specifica...