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Device Detection

Counterfeit smartphones and the threats they pose

Counterfeit and non-standard devices pose a real threat for business, consumers and regulators. Find...

James Kielty - 22 Feb 2019
3 min read
Device Landscape

Facts and statistics - the UK mobile landscape

eMarketer predict that in 2019, adults in the UK will spend over two hours each day on their smartph...

James Kielty - 19 Feb 2019
5 min read
Device Landscape

The mobile landscape in South Korea

With over 51 million inhabitants and smartphone penetration of 95%, South Korea is a tech-savvy nati...

James Kielty - 13 Feb 2019
4 min read
Device Landscape

Wonder Woman helps Android kick iOS off top spot in Sweden

Huawei had a tough 2018, in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. However, some slick marketing c...

James Kielty - 11 Feb 2019
5 min read
Device Landscape

The mobile landscape in Italy

Here are some statistics on the mobile landscape in Italy, including the most popular smartphones, A...

James Kielty - 06 Feb 2019
3 min read
Device Landscape

The mobile landscape in The Netherlands

iPhones dominate the scene in The Netherlands, with the world's most popular smartphone - the iPhone...

James Kielty - 04 Feb 2019
3 min read
Device Landscape

The smartphone upgrade cycle - visualized

We tracked usage of the most popular devices from Apple and Samsung across the four quarters of 2018...

James Kielty - 23 Jan 2019
16 min read
Device Landscape

Apple's 2019 profit forecast - why are iPhones underperforming?

*/ ...

James Kielty - 08 Jan 2019
4 min read
Device Detection

iPhone fragmentation - why detecting the iPhone model is essential

With the release of the latest iPhones, we see a shift from relatively standardised device specifica...

James Kielty - 15 Nov 2018
5 min read
Device Detection

How DeviceAtlas detects iPhone models

Detecting iPhone models has always been a bit of a headache for companies working in the online spac...

Pawel Piejko - 11 Nov 2018
5 min read
Device Landscape

Mobile OS popularity by US State

We dive into State-level data to see which mobile operating system is dominant across the United Sta...

James Kielty - 07 Nov 2018
5 min read
Device Landscape

Cryptomining digs deep into our batteries

Many websites have recently started using their visitors’ browsers to mine cryptocurrency. How does ...

mike - 19 Oct 2018
9 min read
Device Detection

How to detect the iPhone XR, XS and XS Max with DeviceAtlas

The latest iPhone models - the XR, XS and XS Max - are almost certain to be a success, with pre-orde...

James Kielty - 16 Oct 2018
4 min read
Mobile Statistics

Browsers that respect your privacy

Browser privacy, and privacy in general is a hot topic of late. We took a look at the big hitters as...

Martin Clancy - 15 Oct 2018
8 min read
Device Landscape

The truth about ‘peak smartphone’

With many recent reports suggesting that we have reached ‘peak smartphone’, we thought it would be u...

Martin Clancy - 12 Oct 2018
5 min read
Device Landscape

The Physical Web is dead, long live the physical web

Launched in 2014, Google's Physical Web project promised much, but seems to have died a quiet death ...

Martin Clancy - 10 Oct 2018
6 min read
Mobile Web Design

Measuring page weight

Measuring the weight of a web page used to be a simple matter of waiting for the page to finish load...

Ronan Cremin - 08 Oct 2018
15 min read
Mobile Web Design

Understanding web page weight

Page weight is the gravity of the web - a relentless downwards drag, ever present and utterly unavoi...

Ronan Cremin - 04 Oct 2018
14 min read
