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Becoming a Data Partner


There are many reasons why you should partner with DeviceAtlas.

Global Reach

By partnering with DeviceAtlas, newly released devices are recognised by websites worldwide.

This maximises customer satisfaction, and helps to maximise the consumption of content and services by the user, thus driving revenue and upsell opportunities for all stakeholders.


Since DeviceAtlas operates on a daily update model, device data is available worldwide the day following the new device is approved for distribution. This is vital to ensure early adopters and product reviewers get the best experience.

Security of pre-release data

DeviceAtlas provides a ‘Private Data’ mechanism, whereby new devices can be in DeviceAtlas, and available for partner testing, but not publicly exposed until directly actioned by the data partner.

Design time support

DeviceAtlas contains a powerful analytics tool that allows exploration of the mobile device information in its database. This facilitates design decisions factoring in key device capabilities.

Exposure to developer community

Through its highly respected and fast growing mobile web developer forum, mobiForge, we can extend the reach of the partner into this community, through exposing its devices and capabilities.

Exposure in analytics platforms

Major analytics providers use DeviceAtlas, so partnership with DeviceAtlas ensures that your devices are correctly represented in reports used by thousands of organisations worldwide.

Device Manufacturers and Mobile Operators

If you are releasing a new device, make sure it is in DeviceAtlas; this assures that the device will be recognized on launch on thousands of websites around the world. Since early adopters and reviewers are very influential, timely availability of data in DeviceAtlas is important.

DeviceAtlas has a Private Data capability to provide secure storage of unreleased devices, while permitting testing of the detection in advance of release through a custom JSON file delivery.