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Client-side Component Download


It is recommended to use the Client-side component when using the DeviceAtlas API within a web application in order to correctly identify iOS/iPadOS devices. The client side resource must be included on your webpage in order for it to detect the client side properties.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>

Or lite version which only includes properties required for iOS/iPadOS devices identification.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>

Download customised

Customise scope of properties captured, in order to reduce the footprint. It is also possible to extend the library to capture additional properties of interest; instructions on how to do this can be found at Client-side Documentation.

Property selection

Select the properties that you need and download it as a minified file.

Note:The properties selected by default are required to enable identification of Apple device versions. It is recommended to keep these selected: deviceAspectRatio, devicePixelRatio, js.webGlRenderer, screenWidthHeight, rendererRef, audioRef, js.deviceMotion, and

All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
requestingMobileUxbooleanTrue if the Client identifies itself as mobile (from Client Hints). Note: this may differ from the 'Mobile Device' flag based on the device hardware. Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
devicePixelRatiostringRatio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the browser.
displayColorDepthintegerThe color depth of a display.
All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
cookieSupportbooleanThe ability of a client to store cookies and send them when appropriate.
saveDatabooleanIdentifies if the client prefers reduced data usage (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
downlinkstringEstimate of downlink bandwidth in Mbps (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
roundTripTimeintegerEstimate of effective round trip time in milliseconds, rounded to nearest 25ms (rtt from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
effectiveConnectionTypestringEquivalent connection in the form of slow-2G, 2G, 3G, 4G based on Round Trip Time and downlink performance (ect from Client-Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
platformArchitecturestringThe device CPU architecture (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
js.modifyCssbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying CSS elements.
js.xhrbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports XMLHttpRequest.
js.supportBasicJavaScriptbooleanThe browser has some level of JavaScript support, typically Alert, Confirm, setInterval, setTimeout.
js.supportEventsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Events.
js.supportConsoleLogbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports console.log().
js.modifyDombooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying DOM elements.
js.supportEventListenerbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Event Listeners.
js.jsonbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports JSON objects.
All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
js.webSqlDatabasebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web SQL Database API.
js.deviceMotionbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Motion event.
html.audiobooleanThe browser supports the audio HTML tag.
html.svgbooleanThe browser supports SVG.
css.columnsbooleanThe browser supports CSS columns.
js.applicationCachebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Application Cache.
js.localStoragebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Local Storage.
js.webSocketsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Sockets API.
js.webWorkersbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Workers API.
js.touchEventsbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Touch events.
html.canvasbooleanThe browser supports the canvas element.
html.videobooleanThe browser supports the video HTML tag.
css.transformsbooleanThe browser supports CSS transforms.
js.geoLocationbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Geo Location.
js.sessionStoragebooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Session Storage.
js.deviceOrientationbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Orientation.
js.querySelectorbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports the Query Selector.
html.inlinesvgbooleanThe browser supports inline SVG.
css.animationsbooleanThe browser supports CSS animations.
css.transitionsbooleanThe browser supports CSS transitions.
js.indexedDBbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports indexedDB.
js.webGlbooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Web GL.
All Selected{0} out of {1} SelectedNone Selected
NameAPI NameData TypeDescription
js.accessDombooleanIndicates whether getElementsById, getElementsByTagName and getElementsByName are supported.
orientationintegerThe orientation of the device.
deviceAspectRatiostringThe aspect ratio of the device's screen.
js.webGlRendererstringBrowser renderer of the graphics driver.
userMediabooleanThe browser’s permissions to use a media device such as a camera or microphone.
js.batterybooleanThe browser's JavaScript engine supports Battery Status API.
screenWidthHeightstringThe screen width & height reported by device's browser/webView.
rendererRefstringNecessary for iOS device segmentation.
audioRefstringNecessary for iOS device segmentation. for iOS device segmentation. for iOS device segmentation.
js.forceTouchstringDevice input supports force touch.
ch.browserFullVersionListstringInternal property used to identify browser and browser version from Client Hints using the Client Side Component.
ch.bitnessstringBrowser Architechture bitness (from Client Hints).
ch.browserListstringBrowser Name, Features List (from Client Hints).
ch.platformstringPlatform / Operating System Name (from Client Hints).
ch.modelstringModel (from Client Hints).
ch.platformVersionstringPlatform / Operating System Version (from Client Hints).