DeviceAtlas can detect 44 device properties from the Client-side. To view all DeviceAtlas properties, please check the Available Properties list.
For more information about Client-side properties and how they are obtained, please see the Dynamic Data page.
Filter properties by typing in the box.
Virtual Properties
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
Requesting Mobile UX | requestingMobileUx | boolean | True if the Client identifies itself as mobile (from Client Hints). Note: this may differ from the 'Mobile Device' flag based on the device hardware. Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. |
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
Device Pixel Ratio | devicePixelRatio | string | Ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the browser. | |
Screen Color Depth | displayColorDepth | integer | The color depth of a display. |
Web Browser
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
Cookie | cookieSupport | boolean | The ability of a client to store cookies and send them when appropriate. | |
Save-Data | saveData | boolean | Identifies if the client prefers reduced data usage (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. | |
Downlink | downlink | string | Estimate of downlink bandwidth in Mbps (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. | |
Round Trip Time | roundTripTime | integer | Estimate of effective round trip time in milliseconds, rounded to nearest 25ms (rtt from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. | |
Effective Connection Type | effectiveConnectionType | string | Equivalent connection in the form of slow-2G, 2G, 3G, 4G based on Round Trip Time and downlink performance (ect from Client-Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. | |
Platform Architecture | platformArchitecture | string | The device CPU architecture (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component. |
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
JS Json | js.json | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports JSON objects. | |
JS Modify CSS | js.modifyCss | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying CSS elements. | |
JS XHR | js.xhr | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports XMLHttpRequest. | |
JS Support Basic Java Script | js.supportBasicJavaScript | boolean | The browser has some level of JavaScript support, typically Alert, Confirm, setInterval, setTimeout. | |
JS Support Events | js.supportEvents | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Events. | |
JS Support Console Log | js.supportConsoleLog | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports console.log(). | |
JS Modify Dom | js.modifyDom | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying DOM elements. | |
JS Support Event Listener | js.supportEventListener | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Event Listeners. |
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
HTML Inline SVG | html.inlinesvg | boolean | The browser supports inline SVG. | |
CSS Animations | css.animations | boolean | The browser supports CSS animations. | |
CSS Transitions | css.transitions | boolean | The browser supports CSS transitions. | |
JS Indexeddb | js.indexedDB | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports indexedDB. | |
JS Web GL | js.webGl | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Web GL. | |
JS Web SQL Database | js.webSqlDatabase | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web SQL Database API. | |
JS Device Motion | js.deviceMotion | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Motion event. | |
HTML Audio | | boolean | The browser supports the audio HTML tag. | |
HTML SVG | html.svg | boolean | The browser supports SVG. | |
CSS Columns | css.columns | boolean | The browser supports CSS columns. | |
JS Application Cache | js.applicationCache | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Application Cache. | |
JS Local Storage | js.localStorage | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Local Storage. | |
JS Web Sockets | js.webSockets | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Sockets API. | |
JS Web Workers | js.webWorkers | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Workers API. | |
JS Touch Events | js.touchEvents | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Touch events. | |
HTML Canvas | html.canvas | boolean | The browser supports the canvas element. | |
HTML Video | | boolean | The browser supports the video HTML tag. | |
CSS Transforms | css.transforms | boolean | The browser supports CSS transforms. | |
JS Geo Location | js.geoLocation | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Geo Location. | |
JS Session Storage | js.sessionStorage | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Session Storage. | |
JS Device Orientation | js.deviceOrientation | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Orientation. | |
JS Query Selector | js.querySelector | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Query Selector. |
Other Properties
[1] Client-side Component
[1] | Name | API Name | Data Type | Description |
JS Access Dom | js.accessDom | boolean | Indicates whether getElementsById, getElementsByTagName and getElementsByName are supported. | |
Orientation | orientation | integer | The orientation of the device. | |
Device Aspect Ratio | deviceAspectRatio | string | The aspect ratio of the device's screen. | |
JS Web GL Renderer | js.webGlRenderer | string | Browser renderer of the graphics driver. | |
User Media | userMedia | boolean | The browser’s permissions to use a media device such as a camera or microphone. | |
JS Battery | js.battery | boolean | The browser's JavaScript engine supports Battery Status API. | |
Screen Width Height | screenWidthHeight | string | The screen width & height reported by device's browser/webView. | |
Renderer Ref | rendererRef | string | Necessary for iOS device segmentation. | |
Audio Ref | audioRef | string | Necessary for iOS device segmentation. | |
HTML Video AP4X | | boolean | Necessary for iOS device segmentation. | |
HTML Video AV1 | | boolean | Necessary for iOS device segmentation. | |
JS Force Touch | js.forceTouch | string | Device input supports force touch. | |
Browser Full Version List | ch.browserFullVersionList | string | Internal property used to identify browser and browser version from Client Hints using the Client Side Component. | |
CH Bitness | ch.bitness | string | Browser Architechture bitness (from Client Hints). | |
CH Browser List | ch.browserList | string | Browser Name, Features List (from Client Hints). | |
CH Platform | ch.platform | string | Platform / Operating System Name (from Client Hints). | |
CH Model | ch.model | string | Model (from Client Hints). | |
CH Platform Version | ch.platformVersion | string | Platform / Operating System Version (from Client Hints). |